Friday, November 19, 2010

My new adventure

My love of cake balls started at my sister-in-law's bridal shower. Her best friend made these incredible little balls of pure goodness. I had to have the recipe. It took me several months to actually attempt making them on my own, and to my total surprise, they tasted just as yummy as I remembered!

Several months after that, I discovered cake pops - delicious cake balls on a stick made into cute little characters. I started experimenting and found that I really enjoyed making them. It took up so much of my time that my husband joked that I should start a business. I laughed at the time but then friends started saying that they would actually like to buy them from me. So . . . here is that's sweet treats, my very first business!
ps. My sister-in-law, Tori, at whose shower I first found cake balls, is my photographer. Isn't she talented? She makes my cake balls look good enough to eat! :)

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